BP names Mike Utsler its representative to Unified Area Command in New Orleans; Suttles returning to COO role in Houston

BP announced on 6 Aug the appointment of Mike Utsler as BP’s lead representative in the Unified Area Command (UAC) here and as chief operating officer for the BP Gulf Coast Restoration Organization.
Mr Utsler, who has served as BP’s commander in the Houma incident command post since April, replaces Doug Suttles, who has led BP’s overall response to the spill and served as BP’s representative in the UAC. Utsler assumes his new role today.
Mr Suttles will be returning to his role as chief operating officer for BP Exploration and Production in Houston. Prior to joining the spill response effort, Utsler served as vice president at BP, and brings more than 33 years experience to this new role.
The Gulf Coast Restoration Organization will manage BP’s ongoing response and restoration activities from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. The organization will maintain offices in each of the affected states, including Florida, Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, and Texas.