Petrobras performs drill stem test in Colombia

Petrobras performed a Drill Stem Test (DST) in the Sirius-2 well, located in deep waters in Colombia, 31 km off the coast and at a water depth of 804 m. The DST assessed to approximately 100 m reservoir interval, which demonstrated good productivity. During the test, samples were collected and will be characterized through laboratory analyses. The preliminary result of the test reinforces the volumetric potential for gas in the region.
Petrobras, through its subsidiary PIB-COL, acts as the operator of the consortium (44.44% share), jointly with Ecopetrol (55.56% share). The consortium will continue to evaluate the results obtained from the drilling of Sirius-1 and Sirius-2 wells, according to planning and contractual obligations with the Agencia Nacional de Hidrocarburos (ANH) from Colombia.
Petrobras’ operations in the GUA-OFF-0 Block are in line with the Company’s long-term strategy, aimed at replenishing oil and gas reserves through the exploration of new frontiers and ensuring that global energy demand is met during the energy transition.