Global and Regional MarketsNews

Shell delivers first oil from GKGJE development offshore Malaysia

Sabah Shell Petroleum Company, a subsidiary of Shell, announced that the first oil production has started from Phase 4 of the Gumusut-Kakap-Geronggong-Jagus East (GKGJE) deepwater offshore development project. The Phase 4 production is flowing to the existing Gumusut-Kakap Semi-submersible Floating Production System (GK-Semi FPS) located off the coast of Sabah, offshore Malaysia where SSPC is the operator.

The GKGJE Phase 4 development includes a subsea tie-back that straddles the Malaysia – Brunei border and involves the drilling of three producer wells and one water injection well. Located in water depths of 1,200 m, Gumusut-Kakap was the first deepwater project for Shell in Malaysia and began production in 2014.

GKGJE Phase 4 contributes towards Shell’s global commitment to bring onstream new upstream projects between 2023 and 2025, that will together deliver an additional 500,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boe/d) at peak production.

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