Steadfast commitment to member service as IADC heads into 2017
From the President

When I stepped into the role of President of IADC in March, I announced that my focus, and the focus of the IADC staff, would be on member service. After more than 20 years with IADC, I have a profound appreciation for the work our members do to make our industry better. And I strongly believe that an association that represents and advocates for drilling contractor interests plays a vital role in this industry.
My role as President began during one of the most severe market downturns in recent memory. The entirety of our industry has felt the deep economic impact of this challenging year, and times remain tough. But the world runs on the energy we provide, and we know the upturn is inevitable. I am proud of the way our corner of the industry has banded together to weather the downturn. Even during these hard times, our members have produced and introduced an impressive amount of beneficial deliverables to this industry.
This association must deliver value, providing our members with what they need, when they need it. In 2016, I believe that IADC excelled in this area. IADC members and staff were invited to speak on panels, contribute remarks to proposed regulations and legislations, and participate in industry and government workgroups. We met with senior government officials and members of Congress to advocate on behalf of the industry. We introduced new accreditation programs and organized conferences on a wide variety of relevant topics. We made new educational books and guidelines available and reported on industry news. We were active in every geography where our members have operations. The scope and breadth of the work has been wide and far-reaching.
IADC is about to wrap up its 76th year. We have much to be proud of and a tremendous legacy to carry forward. We have weathered the ups and downs of the global oil and gas industry, all while listening to, and responding to, the critical needs of our members. IADC is recognized for its excellence throughout the industry. Our legacy and the recognition we receive is, of course, attributable to our active membership. Throughout 2016, we focused on the ideals that have sustained IADC for 76 years: listening to our members, identifying critical needs and serving as a place where IADC members can work together to develop solutions that will ensure the future success of our industry.
Looking ahead to 2017, our commitment to providing value to our members remains steadfast. We will continue to focus on delivering on our strategic objectives of improving safety, reducing unnecessary costs that adversely impact our members and enhancing the competency of our industry’s workforce. We will build on the momentum of this year’s accomplishments to deliver more value to our members.
I am thankful this year for the work of so many individual IADC members, who volunteer their time and expertise to make IADC successful and relevant. I am proud of our staff – a comparatively small group of individuals who are as committed as I am to member service and whose work ensures our association’s success.
The next several pages provide further detail of IADC’s work in action. I hope you feel, as I do, that they demonstrate IADC’s commitment to better the industry. It’s an impressive list, and one that only skims the surface of the completed work for this year. It fills me with pride to look back on a successful year, and I look forward to working together to ensure that next year’s accomplishments are even greater.