Maersk Oil discovers hydrocarbons in Danish North Sea

Maersk Oil has discovered hydrocarbons from the exploration well Xana-1X, which was drilled in license 9/95 in the northern part of the Danish sector of the North Sea.
“The drilling of the high-pressure high-temperature exploration well has been completed. At present, the partners are in the process of assessing the technical and commercial implications of the discovery and looking at potential follow-up,” Martin Rune Pedersen, Managing Director of Maersk Oil’s Danish Business Unit, said.
The Xana-1X well was drilled at a water depth of 68 m and to a total drilling depth of 5,071 m in the Jurassic formation.
The well was spudded on 8 December by the Noble Sam Turner jackup and is currently being plugged and abandoned.
The partnership in license 9/95 consists of A.P. Møller – Maersk (34%), Dong E&P (20%), Nordsøfonden (20%), Noreco Oil Denmark (16%) and Danoil Exploration (10%).