Onshore Advances

Pantheon plans multi-zone flow tests for Megrez-1

Pantheon Resources announced further details of its planned flow testing program for the Megrez-1 well. Integration of all the data gathered from the drilling of the Megrez-1 well is now sufficiently complete to return to well operations. This has allowed definition of completion and flow testing programs over six horizons beginning with Topset 1 of the Upper Schrader Bluff and working up the well to the shallowest interpreted pay zone, the Lower Sagavanirktok zone 3.

The company has designed its flow test program to prioritize data quality rather than seeking to maximize initial flow rates in order to accentuate the understanding of the reservoirs to optimize future appraisal and development. Being a test well drilled from the western side of the Dalton Highway, the Megrez-1 wellbore was directionally drilled on an approximately 45 degree angle, designed to pierce multiple horizons to maximize learnings.

Future development of the deepest horizons, where the reservoir is of lesser quality, will most likely be through long laterals with multi-stage completions – as is industry standard and as is planned for Ahpun West and Kodiak.

By contrast, successful flows from the shallower horizons where the reservoir quality is superior, would most likely lead to a development plan more akin to Willow or Pikka, but benefitting from the ability to share infrastructure already constructed for the planned Ahpun West development.

Detailed core analysis indicates average reservoir qualities in the deepest horizons more aligned with the Ahpun West topsets (1 milliDarcy or less) while the permeabilities improve significantly in the shallower Prince Creek and Lower Sagavanirktok formations, even exceeding a Darcy in the shallowest horizons.

Topset 3 is both the deepest horizon and also the smallest of the horizons volumetrically. Full cores were taken over this horizon and flow testing from a single stage treatment in this wellbore would provide little additional data at this location. A multi-stage completion of a long lateral well in that horizon during future appraisal or development drilling represents a more cost-effective means of acquiring useful data. Thus flow testing operations will occur over the shallower six horizons, commencing with Topset 1.

The full testing program will take up to four months. Aggregate flow from the testing of all zones is expected to be comparable to reported rates from other wells targeting the Brookian formations on the North Slope.

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