News Cuttings

Paul Mosvold named 2022 IADC Contractor of the Year
Paul Mosvold, President and COO of Scandrill, was named 2022 IADC Contractor of the Year in November. The annual award, which was established in 1988 to recognize an individual drilling contractor’s outstanding lifetime achievement in technical innovation, safety and economic efficiency within the drilling industry, is the only industry award reserved exclusively for drilling contractors.
A member of IADC’s Executive Committee and North America Onshore Advisory Panel, Mr Mosvold was appointed to his current position at Scandrill in 2014. He has spent much of his professional career with the company, starting in 1982 when he worked as a roustabout and roughneck on a Scandrill barge rig.
Following graduation from Houston Baptist University in 1988, Mr Mosvold worked primarily in shipping, including a stint as Operations Manager at Palmer Navigation, an independent shipping company, where he traveled extensively in the Middle East, India and South America. He returned to Scandrill in 1997 as Marketing Manager and later became VP of Health, Safety and Environment before taking over in his current role.

IADC recognizes Sarah Kern, Nathan Moralez with Exemplary Service Awards
Helmerich & Payne’s Sarah Kern and BP’s Nathan Moralez each received IADC Exemplary Service Awards on 3 November at the 2022 IADC Annual General Meeting in New Orleans, La.
Ms Kern, who serves as Senior Industry Affairs Analyst at H&P, recently completed a term as Co-Chair of the IADC Young Professionals Committee and now leads the IADC Advanced Rig Technology (ART) Committee as Co-Chair. She also serves on the Program Committees for the IADC ART Conference and the IADC/SPE International Drilling Conference.
Mr Moralez, BP Senior Rig Automation Engineer, has been active with the IADC ART Committee since 2015 and has served as Chair of ART’s Data, Controls and Sensors Subcommittee since 2018.
IADC issues updated ISP reporting guidelines
IADC has updated its Incident Statics Program (ISP) reporting guidelines in its entirety for the first time in 12 years. The revised guidelines are now available as an evergreen document for public access on IADC’s website.
The revisions were made by IADC’s ISP Subcommittee, which operates under the Health, Safety, Environment & Training (HSET) Committee. The group focused primarily on updating outdated links to contact various regulatory agencies, such as the US Food and Drug Administration, as well as incorporating answers to frequently asked questions into the document. Additionally, an online question submission form was added for users to submit inquiries about the ISP reporting guidelines; a link can be found at
These revisions were the first step in a wider-scope project to update the entire ISP system. The ISP Subcommittee is now working to update the system with an online portal that will allow real-time access to reports and data. Work on the online portal began in January and is expected to continue through late summer 2023.
Click here to access the updated ISP reporting guidelines.

Nigeria Chapter holds 2022 Annual General Meeting in Lagos, elects officers
The IADC Nigeria Chapter held its Annual General Meeting on 17 November in Lagos. The event was attended by 35 delegates. At the meeting, the officers gave an overview of the chapter’s financials and a draft budget for 2023, and then held elections. The 2023 officers elected include:
- Valentine Iheasirim, Chair
- Abioye Shokoya-Eleshin, Vice Chair
- Anne Sobo, Secretary
- Stella Okene, Treasurer
The Nigeria Chapter’s membership has grown from 46 members in 2021 to 56 members in 2022.

IADC Brazil Chapter honors 23 rigs at annual safety awards
The IADC Brazil Chapter recognized 23 rigs, owned by eight contractors, at its annual safety awards ceremony on 3 December. The awards are given to rigs that have operated in Brazil for 12 months without a lost time incident (LTI).
The rigs honored at the awards ceremony are:
- Brasdril: Ocean Courage
- Constellation: Alpha Star, Brava Star, Gold Star, Lone Star
- Helix: Siem Helix 1, Siem Helix 2
- Ocyan: Norbe VI, Norbe VIII, Norbe IX, ODN I, ODN II
- Seadrill: West Carina, West Jupiter, West Saturn, West Tellus
- Transocean: Corcovado, Driller III, Mykonos, Petrobras 10000
- Valaris: DS-15
- Ventura: Carolina, SSV Victoria
SAPC holds Q4 2022 meeting in Dubai, reelects chapter officers
IADC’s Southern Arabian Peninsula Chapter (SAPC) held its Q4 2022 meeting on 11 November in Dubai. The meeting saw 97 people in attendance.
The meeting also featured three guest speakers: Maria Conceicao, Founder of the Maria Cristina Foundation; Ravi Mishra, Regional Manager – Middle East at Axess Group; and Davendra Rajcoomar, Operations Manager at the Callen Group.
Each of the current chapter officers also were reelected for another year:
- Wayne Bauer, Chair
- Doug McEwan, Vice Chair
- Gareth Burrows, Secretary
- William Devoto, Treasurer
The SAPC is based in Dubai and primarily represents member companies in the UAE, Oman and Qatar. The chapter holds quarterly meetings in addition to social functions, including an annual golf tournament and gala dinner that often attracts more than 1,000 attendees. The next SAPC golf tournament is scheduled for 16-17 March and will mark the 25th anniversary of the event.
The chapter has also scheduled its Q1 2023 meeting for 10 February in Dubai.