IADC holds human performance in well control workshop
IADC held a human performance in well control workshop in conjunction with the 2019 SPE/IADC International Drilling Conference in The Hague, The Netherlands, on 4 March. More than 50 human factors, well control and HSE professionals attended the event.
It featured sessions on the foundation principles of human performance, the importance of cross-company collaboration, and applications and tools available to the industry. Presentations were made by Shell, BP, IADC, Chevron, KCA Deutag, Aramco Overseas, Maersk Drilling and Baker Hughes.
In the interactive exercise that concluded the workshop, participants were asked to list and rank their ideas for improving human performance at individual, company and industry levels. Almost half of the workshop attendees identified a pressing need for a single, overall standard document focused on human performance.
Such a document would include definitions, awareness, training, requirements, tools for investigation, workload and design with a view to reducing human error in industry, and sufficient oversight.
Other suggestions included funding and resources for an industry organization focused on human performance, in addition to following efforts already under way by major operators, IADC and the International Association of Oil and Gas Producers. Members of the organizing committee are continuing to meet to discuss how to best follow up to the workshop.
The event was sponsored by BP, Shell, Total and Baker Hughes.
The workshop was originally proposed by Shell during the June 2018 Board meeting of the Well Control Institute, an organization focusing on well control under the auspices of IADC.
University of Wyoming students tour Patterson-UTI rig
Students of the recently established IADC Student Chapter at the University of Wyoming were recently invited to tour Patterson-UTI Rig 901, working east of Fort Collins, Colo. IADC Rocky Mountain Chapter Chairman Lannie Fladeland, Patterson-UTI, coordinated the rig tour through the Student Chapter officers and Dr Brian Toelle with the university’s petroleum engineering department. The students were divided into three groups, with Drilling Superintendent Jerry Stolz, Rig Manager Sean Layne and Safety Director Kyle Peltz conducting the safety briefings and rig tours. After an in-depth overview of the operation, rig equipment and technology associated with Rig 901, the group was treated to lunch and a Q&A session, which focused on political, environmental and strategic issues around E&P operations, as well as career opportunities available to the students.
Andre Alonso Fernandes, Petrobras, recognized with exemplary service award
During the IADC International Deepwater Drilling Conference on 19 March, Petrobras Technical Advisor Andre Alonso Fernandes was awarded with an IADC Exemplary Service Award for his service as Chairman of the IADC UBO and MPD Committee.

Mr Fernandes began his career in the energy industry in 2002 with Alstom, a French power and transportation company, as a field engineer before transitioning to offshore oil and gas in 2004, when he joined Petrobras, working as a companyman overseeing approximately 20 DP deepwater vessels on 10 fields.
In 2009, he became a well designer for Petrobras, where for three years he built on his previous experience in the field, designing development wells primarily for the Campos Basin. In 2012, he accepted a role to focus exclusively on the development of MPD technologies and techniques for Petrobras, a role he still holds at the company.
Mr Fernandes holds a degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Sao Paulo and a master’s degree, also in mechanical engineering, where his thesis focused on simulation and strategies for MPD controls.
IADC Accreditation Department passes ISO 9001:2015 recertification audit with zero findings
In February, IADC’s Accreditation Department passed the ISO 9001:2015 recertification audit with zero findings. IADC is the only well control accrediting body to hold ISO 9001:2015 certification, demonstrating the association’s ability to consistently provide services that meet customer requirements while keeping a focus on quality and integrity. Programs that fall under the ISO certification include RigPass, SafeLand, SafeGulf, WellSharp, WellCAP Plus, DIT, Competence Assurance, Gateway and Crane-Rigger.
The ISO 9001 QMS standard requires that a company identify and describe processes using business metrics. The ISO 9001 standards provide guidance for organizations that want to ensure their products and services consistently meet customers’ requirements. ISO 9001:2015 sets out the criteria for a quality management system. This standard is based on principles such as a strong customer focus, the motivation and implication of top management, the process approach and continual improvement.
New officers join IADC Advanced Rig Technology Committee
Several IADC members recently assumed new roles as officers of the Advanced Rig Technology (ART) Committee. Robert van Kuilenburg, Noble Drilling, was named Chairman, and Rob Shank, Parker Drilling, was named Vice Chair. Michael Estep, Noble, will serve as BOP Controls Subcommittee Chair, and Mitch Eichler, Parker Hannifin, will continue to serve as BOP Controls Subcommittee Co-Chair. Nathan Moralez, BP, remains Chair of the Drilling Control Systems Subcommittee, and Assaad Mohanna, National Oilwell Varco, has been named as Vice Chair.
ULL students receive IADC RigPass certification
On 6 March, petroleum engineering students from the University of Louisiana-Lafayette (ULL) received their IADC RigPass certification. The training was done in collaboration with M&A Safety Services in Youngsville, La.
On 8 March, the ULL student chapter also joined with a student chapter from the American Association of Drilling Engineers to host Selim Shaker with Geopressure Analysis Services. Dr Shaker presented a six-hour course, Formation Pressure Prediction for Drillers, which included six CEUs. This event saw excellent turnout of about 55 people, including 23 industry professionals.
Maintenance Committee tries augmented reality
During the April IADC Maintenance Committee meeting, augmented reality (AR) company Smart Group invited committee members to experience AR technology and to discuss its potential applications related to the maintenance of rig equipment and how it could positively affect efficiency and training. Pictured above are Andy Poosuthasee (left) with Vantage Drilling and Chris Underwood with Smart Group.