New regional representatives join IADC to enhance membership service in Europe
By Amy Rose, IADC director of external relations

To more effectively represent members in Europe and the North Sea, IADC recently appointed John Boogaerdt and John Atkinson as regional representatives. Mr Boogaerdt will serve as regional director – Europe, based in the Netherlands, and Mr Atkinson will serve as regional director – North Sea, based in Aberdeen.
“At the heart of everything that IADC does is a commitment to enhancing operational integrity and championing better regulation. Our regional representatives are based in the same areas across the globe that our members are, allowing IADC to truly represent industry interests internationally,” said Stephen Colville, IADC president and CEO. “IADC regional representatives, who have deep knowledge and understanding of the regulatory and legislative environment in their assigned area, are invaluable to achieving those goals.”
Mr Boogaerdt and Mr Atkinson are joining a team of IADC representatives around the world: Jens Hoffmark, regional vice president – European operations; Dave Geer, regional director – Middle East and Africa; Chit Hlaing, assistant regional director – Asia Pacific; and Derek Morrow, regional director – Australasia.
With more than 35 years of experience with Shell, OMV, Parker Drilling and Schlumberger Business Consulting, Mr Boogaerdt is a senior oil industry professional. His experience encompasses a wide range of E&P subjects, with specific expertise in management of major oil and gas projects. In 2005, he became senior vice president of production at OMV. In 2009, he was named managing director at Parker. From 2011, he served as wells committee manager at the International Association of Oil and Gas Producers.
He has worked and lived in the UK, Austria, Norway, Malaysia, Egypt, Oman, China and the Netherlands.
Mr Atkinson has more than 40 years of experience in the industry. He previously served as vice chairman and chairman of the IADC Australasia Chapter and as vice chairman of the IADC North Sea Chapter. He began his career with Ben Line Group before joining Ben Odeco and later Atlantic Drilling. He joined Diamond Offshore Drilling UK in 1992 as technical services and safety case manager. Over the next 18 years, Mr Atkinson held various positions within Diamond across the world, including Malaysia, Singapore, Australia and Scotland.
“John Boogaerdt and John Atkinson bring with them valuable experience with which to positively impact industry interests in Europe and the North Sea, and I am proud to welcome them to our team,” Mr Colville said.
Influencing regulations
With staff in place across the world, IADC is at the forefront of influencing sensible and fair regulations for the drilling community worldwide.
A recent example of an international regulation in which IADC played a role is the European Parliament’s authorization on 21 May of a new directive on safety for offshore oil and gas activities. IADC executive VP – government and regulatory affairs Brian Petty, IADC VP – offshore division Alan Spackman and Mr Boogaerdt worked with other industry parties to influence the directive. The finalized legislation requires operators to submit emergency response plans and hazard reports, along with evidence that liabilities can be handled, before undertaking operations.
“IADC worked with the OGP European Union Committee on a task force for more than two years to examine successive drafts of this legislation,” Mr Petty said. “Ultimately our goal was to ensure that the legislation was framed as a directive, an important distinction that allows member states up to two years to implement it, with flexibility to conform with existing national laws. We believe this is a good outcome after years of hard work.”
Mr Spackman added, “It is a challenging effort to achieve a standard and agreeable level of risk across the EU with respect to offshore oil and gas activities. As it is modeled on the safety case regimes in Northwest Europe, this new directive may prove challenging to other European Union members that have not previously adopted this approach. IADC will be working closely with these regulators across Europe toward consistent application of regulatory regimes at their national level.”
In addition to working on specific regulations, IADC staff has engaged with government officials and regulators across the world to develop ongoing dialogue on issues critical to the industry. Examples include:
• While in Australia in May to present a keynote address at the APPEA 2013 Conference, Mr Colville and Mr Morrow met with NOPSEMA, the Australian offshore regulatory group, and several members of the Australian Ministry of Resources.
“In my meetings with regulators in Australia, they all articulated an interest in developing Australian resources as safely and efficiently as possible,” Mr Colville said. “They are reaching out for true partnership, and IADC is pleased to step forward to do our part on behalf of the drilling industry.”
• On 4 June, Mr Boogaerdt participated in a workshop held in Stresa, Italy, by the European Union Offshore Authorities Group on offshore oil and gas safety. The workshop offered an opportunity for attendees to discuss the most effective way to work together to implement provisions of the Offshore Safety Directive. Mr Boogaerdt gave an overview of IADC’s ongoing KSA project and accreditation programs.
• Bob Warren, adviser to IADC International Development, recently traveled to Brazil to visit with ANP, the Brazilian oil and gas regulator, and IBP, the Brazilian Institute of Oil and Gas, along with Petrobras and the IADC Brazil Chapter.
“Brazil is a robust energy market and is a place where IADC can have a positive impact in the growth of the industry, particularly with regard to competency and workforce development,” Mr Warren said. “IADC will soon be hiring a regional representative in Brazil to assist in laying the groundwork for the drilling community in the country. It is widely anticipated that the industry in Brazil will grow significantly in the next five to 10 years. IADC has the expertise to deliver valuable programs and information that will help shape the future of the community of drillers in Brazil.”
• On 13 June, Ken Fischer, IADC VP – international development, and Mr Hlaing, together with a delegation from the IADC South Central Asia Chapter, met with India’s Oil Industry Safety Directorate in Delhi. The latest in a series of meetings with the safety regulator, this meeting focused on implementing issues related to API Standard 53, Blowout Prevention Equipment Systems for Drilling Wells.
“IADC has long been involved in shaping regulation, both nationally and internationally,” Mr Colville said. “As the industry has grown and become more dynamic, and technology has enabled us to drill in areas that were previously unreachable, we have recognized the need to engage more actively on an international level. As the only industry voice exclusively representing drilling contractors, IADC is uniquely positioned to authoritatively step into the area. We have assembled a skilled and knowledgeable international workforce to complement the efforts of our Houston-based staff to ensure that we are actively involved in shaping regulations worldwide on behalf of our membership.”