IADC ISP report shows LTI, recordables slightly up in 2010

The drilling industry lost some ground in 2010 when it came to its lost-time incidence (LTI), recordable incidence and fatality rates, according to the newest IADC Incident Statistics Program (ISP) report. Last year, the industry’s worldwide LTI numbers moved from 2009’s record low 0.37 up to 0.38, while the recordables rates moved up from 1.22 to 1.31.
Perhaps more worrisome, the number of fatalities rose from 32 to 34.
According to the data reported, the largest percentage of fatalities occurred to employees who had more than one year but less than five years of service with the company. Twelve fatalities occurred to employees who had less than six months of service. Ten of the fatalities involved “struck by” incidents while six involved “caught between” incidents.
The ISP data were compiled separately for land and offshore operations for eight geographic regions – United States, Europe, Canada, Africa, Middle East, Asia Pacific, Central America/Caribbean, and South America.
Looking at regional statistics, one of the best improvements year-on-year was in the offshore LTI rate for the Asia Pacific region, which went down 45% from 0.29 in 2009 to 0.16 in 2010. The region’s recordables rate also improved 20% from 0.84 in 2009 to 0.67 in 2010.
European statistics also saw significant improvement, both onshore and offshore. Land workers saw their LTI rate improve 33% from 0.33 for 2009 to 0.22 for 2010, while their recordables rate improved 34% from 0.47 to 0.31. Offshore, the LTI rate was shaved by 30% from 0.30 to 0.21.
Data in the ISP report represents approximately 78% of the worldwide oil and gas well drilling rig fleet for a total of 459.4 million manhours worked in 2010.
Further details on findings of this year’s ISP report will be available in the July/August 2011 issue of Drilling Contractor.