IADC: Collaborating to make us all stronger

It’s always enlightening to look back over the course of a year and reflect on accomplishments. 2017 was another difficult one for much of the drilling industry from an economic standpoint. Yet, I believe that we have a lot to be proud of at IADC.
Over the course of this year, I have had the opportunity to meet and talk with many of you, and it is clear from these discussions that our membership remains enthusiastic about the work that IADC is doing. We share the same struggles as our members, and we share the same goals. We all want the ability to drill for oil and gas in a way that respects the environment, while encouraging exploration and keeping our workers safe. I believe that is where this association fits — at the intersection of our shared struggles and goals.
I heard from many of you this year that the work we do together, through IADC, gives us the ability to address our shared struggles and develop solutions that benefit everyone. Whether from a technical perspective or in terms of training or advocacy efforts, the work that we do makes all of us stronger. I am thankful for a membership who shares these values.
In the next several pages, you will read about some of this association’s accomplishments in 2017. It’s an impressive list and only scratches the surface of our efforts. I talked a lot this year about membership value, and it is my hope that you are able to see that value as you read through this section.
While we can pat ourselves on the back for a job well done in 2017, resting on our laurels is not an option. Much remains to be accomplished. I’m excited for the work that we will take on in 2018, as it will gives us opportunities to grow even further as an association.
That growth includes new chapters, as work is already ongoing to revitalize the IADC Caspian Chapter by the end of 2017, and expansions of our successful student chapter program. Chapters offer an opportunity to network with those in the same region and work to resolve common challenges, and student chapters aim to engage the next generation of industry professionals, providing them with valuable mentorship opportunities through IADC.
Safety is another top priority, and IADC continues to develop tools that the industry can deploy to ensure that every worker on every rig is armed with the information and knowledge they need to competently perform their job duties.
Building on the success of our industry-leading WellSharp well control training curriculum, in early 2018 IADC will launch the WellSharp Well Servicing/Well Intervention accreditation program. It will include new and updated courses at the fundamental and supervisory levels, a new Oil and Gas Operator Representative Workover and Intervention Well Control course, and a new Subsea Supplement.
2018 will also see a continued ramp-up of advocacy efforts on a worldwide scale. With a focus on serving as an educative resource and positioning ourselves as a leader in the drilling sector, we will continue to engage with regulators and legislators worldwide.
Our revitalized US political action committee, DRILLERSPAC, will allow us to more actively support political candidates who share our energy-first ideals. On the international stage, we remain involved with key regulators in Europe, the Middle East, Asia, Africa and Australia.
2018 has not yet begun, and these items are but a snapshot of the work that we hope to accomplish in the next year. With a calendar full of projects, legislative and regulatory meetings, networking events, conferences and committee meetings, it is my hope that you will feel compelled to join us.
None of the work that is undertaken by this association is possible without a deep commitment by our members to share their knowledge, expertise and, most importantly, their time. This was true in 2017, and it remains true for the future of this association.
I want to thank all of our members for your involvement with IADC this year. Your support is appreciated, and I look forward to working together in 2018 to continue our mission to catalyze improved performance for the drilling industry. DC