ART Technology Value Guide online for review
A draft of the IADC Advanced Rig Technology (ART) Committee’s Technology Value Guide is now available for review and comment online. The guide seeks to compare the pros and cons of emerging and existing technologies, as well as provide definitions, photos and training sources.
“The Technology Value Guide is a work in progress,” remarked Precision Drilling’s Robert Urbanowski, vice chairman of the ART Reliability & Guidelines Subcommittee. “We encourage IADC members, whether contractors, operators, service firms or manufacturers, to contribute photographs, definitions and training resources. We want the Technology Value Guide to be broad based and representing as many companies as possible.”
Contributed materials will be credited.
The Technology Value Guide is a matrix, with technologies or equipment as the column headers (top drive, multi-activity, power slips, power elevators, etc). The row headers are “positives” (hands free, better working environment, improved ergonomics, etc) and negatives (additional space required, additional weight, etc). It also indicates equipment use by rig type and approximates its entry date into the industry and the number in use.
To contribute, or for more information, contact Mike Killalea. Click here to see the draft guide.