2010 Spotlight: new technology award recipients
The Offshore Technology Conference covers state-of-the-art technology for offshore drilling, exploration, production and environmental protection. OTC is the world’s foremost event for the development of offshore resources.
This year’s OTC will take place at Reliant Park, 3-6 May. Last year, OTC hosted 2,532 exhibitors and delegates from 38 countries.

This year’s sessions will focus on the dynamics of salt tectonics; impact of geoscience technology on project economics; offshore drilling; riser technology; subsea processing and power distribution; offshore LNG developments; flow assurance; fiber moorings and more.
Business risks, regulatory issues, expanding the energy spectrum and global reach will also be major themes.
OTC ranks among the largest annual trade shows in the US. The exhibit is a powerful draw and attendees spend an average of eight hours on the exhibit floor. In addition to individual companies exhibiting at OTC, whole countries also sponsor exhibits.
“This is an amazingly high-tech industry that creates technology that can end up in a NASA space vehicle. Incredible technology is required to drill miles under the ocean, which has been compared technologically to putting a man on the moon,” said Susan Cunningham, 2010 OTC chairwoman.
OTC also recognizes innovative technology through its Spotlight on New Technology Program. The 2010 Spotlight recipients are:
• Aker Solutions
• Bredero Shaw
• Expro
• FMC Technologies
• MacDermid Offshore
• Rapp Marine
• Reelwell
• Schlumberger
• Wanner