New website launched as gateway to drilling automation information
Industry-supported website helps users find reliable sources of published materials
By Rick von Flatern, Contributor
The oil and gas drilling industry has long lagged other industries in deploying automation. Today, however, operators, service companies, drilling contractors and equipment manufacturers are rapidly awakening to the benefits of automating drilling systems.
However, to implement these drilling systems automation (DSA) while optimizing their value, companies need reliable and accurate information from trusted sources about how, when, what and where to deploy the appropriate technology.

To help managers, engineers, rig site personnel and other decision-makers wade through the vast trove of DSA-related publications available to the industry, members of the 2013 Drilling Systems Automation Roadmap (DSA-R) initiative have created a DSA Body of Knowledge (DSABOK) website, affiliated with IADC, SPE, Energistics and the OPC Foundation. It helps users, vendors and consortia to collaborate on creating data transfer standards for multi-vendor, multi-platform, secure and reliable interoperability in industrial automation.
Previously, companies seeking actionable information about DSA were forced to wade through numerous articles, papers, presentations and videos from sources whose validity is often hard to ascertain. Adding to the confusion, the body of DSA knowledge is constantly expanding and comes from a wide variety of sources.
The website enables users to easily access DSA information that has been validated by members of the oil and gas and automation industries, as well as others with experience in industrial automation systems.
“The purpose of DSABOK is to provide a one-stop gateway to drilling systems automation knowledge,” said DSA Roadmap/DSABOK Program Manager John de Wardt of DE WARDT AND COMPANY. “Using the website, anyone anywhere can quickly find up-to-date sources of valuable information.”
The website is populated with links to DSA-relevant websites, articles, videos and papers that have been produced by operators, service companies, academia, nonprofit organizations, professional societies, government sources and joint industry projects. “The DSABOK is a multifaceted portal designed to access all types of DSA information located in any recognized source,” Mr de Wardt said. “It also includes connections to educational and academic institutions that are teaching, studying and researching subjects relevant to DSA.”
Among these institutions are the Colorado School of Mines, the University of Leoben, the University of Texas at Austin and the University of Calgary.
A media section of the website contains a compilation of recommended links to other approved websites containing DSA information, including Drilling Contractor magazine.
The website also includes approved, nonpeer-reviewed content created by subject matter experts on systems, sensors, communications, models and simulations, human systems integration, DSA equipment, standards and interoperability.
The DSABOK site content is monitored and directed by a steering committee made up of members of operating and service companies, professional societies and media and nonprofit experts. DC
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