News Cuttings
IADC North Sea Chapter recognizes top safety performers

Approximately 400 IADC members and guests attended the IADC North Sea Chapter (NSC) annual safety awards dinner in Aberdeen on 11 May, celebrating what has been one of the safest years on record for offshore drilling contractors.
In his address, NSC chairman Jon L. Richards of Diamond Offshore Drilling noted that the offshore industry worldwide made significant HSE improvements in 2011. “However, we can all agree there is more progress to be made. Our strive for continual improvement is key to the long-term viability of our industry,” Mr Richards said.
In the jackup category, Maersk Drilling received the Best Safety Performance award while Noble Drilling was the runner-up. Dolphin Drilling won in the semisubmersibles category with Stena Drilling named as runner-up. For platforms, KCA DEUTAG was recognized with the award; Archerwas the runner-up.

The Stena Carron drillship received an outstanding merit award. Other merit awards went to Noble Drilling’s Noble George Sauvageau and Noble Lynda Bossler for outstanding safety performance over 10 years, and to KCA DEUTAG’s Brage and Kvitebjorn platforms for safety performance over six years.
The Associate Member Award went to Stork Technical Services while Dolphin Drilling received the Environmental Award.
Nicholas McBride of Rowan Drillingwas awarded the Chairman’s Special Award for significant contributions to improving offshore health and safety. More than £5,000 in charity funds was raised at the event, which will be matched by the chapter.

operations and Vasile Aron (right), president of the Romanian Association of Drilling Contractors (ACFR)
IADC presents ACFR award for leadership in Romania
Jens Hoffmark, IADC vice president – European operations, presented Vasile Aron, president of the Romanian Association of Drilling Contractors (ACFR), an award at the IADC Critical Issues Continental Europe Conference on 24 May in Bucharest. The award recognizes leadership in promoting the interests of regional drilling contractors.
AOF focuses on training, HSE
IADC held its first Asia Operations Forum (AOF) meeting of 2012 on 24 April in Singapore to discuss regional training needs and other concerns for members in the Asia Pacific.
IADC VP of accreditation and certification Mark Denkowski kicked off the meeting with a presentation discussing the six IADC accreditation programs, as well as the accreditation process and new training-related projects that are under way.
That was followed by a roundtable discussion focusing on three key issues: creating a comprehensive HSE questionnaire to be accepted as the standard safety questionnaire by operators in the Asia region; holding an IADC workshop in mid-June in Singapore to learn about the revised and updated local content requirements in Indonesia; and reviving the Southeast Asia Chapter and electing new officers.
It was agreed that a task group would be formed to develop a comprehensive HSE questionnaire template; the Indonesian local content workshop was tentatively scheduled for 13 June; and members also expressed support for reviving the regional chapter.
IADC plans to hold the next AOF in October.