C6 Technologies completes application of well intervention technology

C6 Technologies has announced the completion of an application of its ComTrac technology in conjunction with its parent company, Archer.
ComTrac is the only system in the world that comprises a reel of spoolable 12-mm diameter semi-stiff carbon composite rod with electrical conductors, according to the company. To date, the technology has been proven to operate at lengths of up to 8 km. C6 Technologies plans to extend this significantly with applications exceeding 12 km.
The two-week project in the Norwegian North Sea, which was operated by Archer, is the first time the composite rod has been used with a tractor. This enables intervention beyond the capabilities of conventional wireline technology in terms of length and load, particularly for horizontal wells, the company said. The scope included fishing, fluid saturation logging and perforating with long sections of high shot density guns.
The low friction, stiffness and almost non-existent stretch of the carbon composite rod eliminate the problem of “stick and slip” experienced with wireline cables. This enables ComTrac to deliver exceptional data quality and repeatability, particularly for high-resolution logging services such as fluid saturation logs, according to C6 Technologies.
The ComTrac system also demonstrates superior strength and lift performance when carrying heavy loads, allowing for longer tools and perforation guns to be deployed, the company said.
“ComTrac is now available as a commercial solution, and Archer is in the process of rolling out a number of new applications worldwide,” Hans Kristian Hegland, CEO of C6 Technologies, said, “Wells are getting deeper and longer, and today there are limits to how far current intervention technology can go. The latest project with Archer demonstrates the versatility of ComTrac and its ability to perform on a wide range of applications and environments. The next step is to expand the operation limits of the technology to 12 km and beyond.”
C6 Technologies is a joint venture between Archer and IKM. The ComTrac system is designed and manufactured by C6 Technologies and operated by Archer.