Noble nets contract with Petronas for work offshore Suriname

Petronas awarded Noble a one-well contract for the Noble Discoverer semisubmersible to drill an exploration well in Block 52 offshore Suriname
The contract is expected to commence in August 2023, with an estimated duration of 90 days. The firm contract value is approximately $43 million, including additional services provided, mobilization and demobilization fees. The contract contains a one-well option.
“We are incredibly pleased to announce this contract building on the recent collaboration with Petronaas. This near-term program positions the Noble Discoverer in the same block offshore Suriname where sister rig Noble Developer previously operated for Petronas. It also represents an opportunity to demonstrate Noble’s vast experience in this prolific basin prior to commencing the rig’s announced contract in Colombia later this year,” said Blake Denton, SVP of Marketing & Contracts at Noble.
The Noble Discoverer is currently operating offshore Guyana for CGX Resources Inc. Following the contract with Petronas, the rig is scheduled to commence a contract offshore Colombia with Ecopetrol.