September/October 2024

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Automation and Drilling Rig Advances
Automation, robotics and sustainability shaping visions for the rig of the future
While no newbuild cycle is on the horizon, hardware and software advances offer clues to how future rig designs, functions will evolve
By Stephen Whitfield, Senior Editor
Full-scale BOP electrification test rig shows benefits of electrified BOP, enables design optimization
By Brian Piccolo, Amine Abou-Assaad, Vijay Chatufale, Jeff Fisher, Viral Shah and Bob Judge, HMH; Magne Rød and John Dale, ESD
Drilling Safety & Human Performance
Industry hones in on human element to push rigsite safety to next level
Organizations are bolstering training initiatives by addressing communication skills, company cultures and cognitive biases
By Stephen Whitfield, Senior Editor
Designing for human performance is key to ensure AI deployments are safe, secure and trustworthy
By Kristian S. Teigen and Frederik S. Dørum, Norwegian Ocean Industry Authority – Havtil
Eye-tracking study shows trends in drillers’ task engagement and loads, interaction with HMIs
By David Lobdell, BP, and Diana Khatun, IOGP
Offshore Advances
Proven 20K technologies set to help BP advance long-held opportunities in the Paleogene
By Jessica Whiteside, Contributor
Standardization of reliability processes benefits decision support for subsea technology
By Jessica Whiteside, Contributor
IADC Connection
From the President: To fully protect our people, mental health must be a safety essential
By Jason McFarland, IADC President
News Cuttings


Drilling Ahead: Market fundamentals shifting, but massive need for more oil remains
By Linda Hsieh, Editor & Publisher
D&C News

D&C Tech Digest

News Briefs: Environmental, Social and Governance

Oil & Gas Markets

HSE&T Corner: Field experience, connecting with rig crews critical for young engineers to develop careers
By Stephen Whitfield, Senior Editor
People, Companies and Products


Perspectives: Wayne Bauer, Vantage Drilling – Investments in AI poised to drive safety innovations
By Stephen Whitfield, Senior Editor
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