2024 DC Editorial Calendar & Media Kit
Click Here to download the entire 2024 DC Media Kit in PDF format

Dear DC Customer/Marketing Professional,
As the official magazine of the International Association of Drilling Contractors (IADC), DC is the prime vehicle for focused marketing efforts targeting drilling & completion professionals and executives. Nearly half (47%) of DC’s readers are in corporate/executive management and rig management – the decision makers when it comes to technologies and equipment deployed for well construction. The next two largest reader segments are drilling & completion engineers (22%) and drilling & completion operations (22%).
By company type, 33.4% work for drilling contractors, and 33.1% work for producers.
Please click here to access DC’s 2024 media kit.
DC also remains among few long-standing, highly respected industry publications still offered in print – ideal for rig and well sites, as well as distribution at trade shows/conferences around the world catering to drilling & completion professionals.
Digital marketing opportunities are also available:
- DrillingContractor.org and monthly eNews
- DC Digital Reader
- Drill Bits e-newsletter
- Virtual Panel Discussions
- IADC Lexicon
All of these marketing platforms are associated with the trusted IADC brand. IADC remains a name that is both recognized and esteemed by drilling and completions decision makers at multiple levels of the supply chain – not just drilling contractors but also national oil companies, major and independent oil companies, and government regulators worldwide.
Thank you for your support, and I look forward to working with you in 2024.
Linda Hsieh
Editor and Publisher
- Official magazine of IADC
- Covers both land and offshore
- Exclusively focused on drilling and completions – covering technology, markets, HSE and training, regulations
- Nearly all 18,645 subscribers are professionals in the global drilling and completion industry
33.1% of subscribers are E&P companies, 33.4% are drilling contractors - Nearly half of subscribers are Corporate/Executive Management and Rig Management
DC Digital Reader
- Includes all content from print magazine, plus additional exclusive articles and video/audio interviews or interactive content
- Only one Digital Reader sponsorship is available per issue
- Digital Edition-only ads are available (full page or spreads only)
- Free ad placement in Digital Reader for print edition advertisers, with upgrades available to incorporate video/audio/animation
IADC Membership Directory
- Details IADC members worldwide, rig statistics and locations
- Circulation: 40% E&P companies, 28% drilling contractors
- Enjoys bonus distribution at OTC
- Timely news articles and video/audio interviews
- Nearly 11,000 unique visitors each month
- Roughly 75 average monthly total ad clicks
- 0.08% click-through rate
Virtual Panel Discussions
- Pre-recorded or live webcasts blending video and photos/animations
- Sponsor participation in VPD theme and panelist selection
- Potential 2024 VPD themes: Low carbon solutions, digital and automation solutions for drilling and wells, rig safety systems, frac equipment advances
eNews from DrillingContractor.org
- Exclusive videos from IADC and other industry conferences
- Over 20,600 subscribers
- Approximately 34,000 impressions per edition
- Strong 0.40% click-through rate
IADC Lexicon
- Glossary of over 10,600 oilfield drilling terms defined in legislation, regulations, standards, guidelines
- Over 55,600 unique visitors per month
- Pageviews over 280,000 per month
DrillBits e-newsletter
- Monthly updates from IADC as it champions for better legislation and regulation around the world
- Banner ad positions available in both e-mail newsletter and on DrillBits pages of IADC website
- Reaches more than 20,000 subscribers each month
2024 DC Editorial Calendar
JANUARY/FEBRUARY | Ad Closing: 5 January, Ad Materials Due: 12 January |
MARCH/APRIL | Ad Closing: 16 February, Ad Materials Due: 23 February |
MAY/JUNE | Ad Closing: 4 April, Ad Materials Due: 11 April |
JULY/AUGUST | Ad Closing: 30 May, Ad Materials Due: 6 June |
SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER | Ad Closing: 1 August, Ad Materials Due: 8 August |
NOVEMBER/DECEMBER | Ad Closing: 3 October, Ad Materials Due: 10 October |
* “Innovating While Drilling® (IWD)” is a trademark of the International Association of Drilling Contractors and Drilling Contractor.
DC Print Circulation
Total Circ: 18,645*
Nearly all of our readers are involved in drilling and completion activities or upstream management. No circulation is wasted on refining, pipeline, gas processing, reservoir, production.
High-Value Readers
- Drilling & Completion Engineers: 22%
- Corporate/Executive Management and Rig Management: 47%
- Drilling/Completion Operations: 22%
Reaching Key Players
- Drilling & Completion Professionals employed by Oil-Producing Firms: 33.1%
- Drilling Contractors: 33.4%
Bonus Distribution
- DC is distributed at over 20 high-interest conferences worldwide.
DC Print Rates (Per issue USD)
1 issue | 2 issues (price per issue) |
6 issues/1 year (price per issue) |
2-Page Spread | 19,845 | 19,230 | 18,645 |
Full Page | 10,450 | 10,120 | 9,810 |
2/3 Page | 8,570 | 8,305 | 8,045 |
1/2 Island | 7,740 | 7,500 | 7,325 |
1/2 Page | 7,000 | 6,790 | 6,575 |
1/3 Page | 5,335 | 5,265 | 5,205 |
1/4 Page | 4,600 | 4,460 | 4,320 |
1 issue | 2 issues (price per issue) |
6 issues/1 year (price per issue) |
Back Cover | 12,395 | 11,930 | 11,565 |
Inside Cover Front | 11,665 | 11,220 | 10,890 |
Inside Back Cover | 10,935 | 10,520 | 10,210 |
Opposite Table of Contents | 11,380 | 10,950 | 10,620 |
Spread Between Table of Contents | 21,605 | 20,785 | 20,160 |
Opposite Drilling Ahead, Tech Digest, D&C News | 10,935 | 10,520 | 10,210 |
All Print Edition ads are included in DC’s Digital Edition free of charge. For Digital Edition-only advertising, click here.
INSERTS/SPECIALTIES: For bound-in, tabbed, etc. – contact publisher. Details available upon request.
ALL PRICES IN US DOLLARS: Frequency rates are based on the number of insertions used within a 12-month period (whether ROB, special position, covers, etc). Each page or fraction qualifies as one insertion. Spreads count as 2 insertions.
RATE PROTECTIVE CLAUSE: When new rates are announced, contract advertisers will be protected at their contract rates for the duration of their contract. Contracts made prior to the effective date of the new rates will also be protected at the then-existing rates.
AGENCY COMMISSION: 15% commission to recognized agencies on gross billing for space, color, cover or special position, and insert charges. No commission on miscellaneous charges or for classifieds.
CASH DISCOUNT: 2% net after agency commission, if paid within 15 days from date of invoice.
- Advertisers and advertising agencies assume liability for all content and illustrations printed and assume responsibility for any claims arising therefrom against the publisher.
- Publisher reserves the right to reject any advertising which she feels is not in keeping with the publication’s standards and to prominently place the word “advertisement” with copy that closely resembles editorial material.
- Publisher will repeat latest advertisement for scheduled space when no new acceptable copy is furnished.
- Cancellations accepted only before closing date for reservations.
- Publisher reserves the right to require payment in advance.
DC Print Specs
Advertisement Dimensions
*Do not reserve additional space for gutter
PUBLICATION SPECS: Printed as web offset, 4-color sequence (CMYK) and perfect bound with a trim size of 8-1/8 x 10-7/8 inches (206 x 276 mm). Mechanical requirements, ad sizes and other publication specs are the same for Drilling Contractor and the IADC Membership Directory.
PREFERRED MATERIALS: Artwork can be supplied in high-resolution PDF, EPS, or 300dpi TIF. Please ensure colors are CMYK (PMS spot colors should be converted to process). All fonts should either be included or converted to outlines.
FILE TRANSFERS / SHIPPING / EMAIL INFO: Ad materials can be sent via Dropbox, WeTransfer, or third-party file-sharing service, via email (if file is less than 15mb) to drilling.contractor@iadc.org, or shipped to:
Drilling Contractor
3657 Briarpark Drive, Suite 200
Houston, TX 77042 USA
+1 713 292 1945
ARTICLE REPRINTS: Low-resolution PDF reprints are available at the rate of $500 per article. Price for printed reprints available upon request.
Digital Reader
The DC Digital Reader is a digital mirror of Drilling Contractor, providing the same high-quality drilling & completions content, plus exclusive content not found in the print edition:
- Additional articles or enhanced articles with additional content
- Video and audio interviews and/or animations embedded in articles
- Links to additional related resources
The Reader’s handy booklet format allows readers to conveniently read the magazine, whether they’re in the office, at home, on a drilling rig or anywhere else in the world. DC’s digital reader can be viewed on an iPad, Android tablet, and Windows or Mac OS computers.
Marketing opportunities available in the Digital Reader include:
Digital Reader sponsorship
- One single sponsorship offered per issue
- Sponsorship includes full-page ad preceding the cover
- Sponsor logo included on e-blast announcing the digital edition
- Sponsor logo included on Digital Reader download page for that issue
Rate (Per issue, USD) | |
Digital Reader issue Sponsorship | 10,000 |
Digital-only advertising
- Only full-page ads or spreads
- Appears only in the Digital Reader for that specific issue
- Placement within first third of publication
Position | Rate (Per issue, USD) |
2-Page Spread | 8,200 |
Full Page | 5,000 |
Ad upgrade
- Advertisers in the print edition receive complimentary placement of their ads in the DC digital reader*
- Upgrade available to add video, audio or animation
Upgrade Options | Rate (Per issue, USD) |
Add video, audio, animations to Full Page | 2,500 |
Add video, audio, animations to Fractional | 1,200 |
* Video/audio/animation file must be supplied by the advertiser.
* Publisher reserves the right to reject any video/audio/animation file that she feels is inappropriate or not in keeping with the publication’s standards or mission.
* Subject to change without notice.
Accepted Video/Animation file types: MP4, MOV, GIF
Accepted Audio file types: M4A, MP3, WAV, AAC
All files should be kept under 10MB.
IADC Membership Directory

Ad Closing: 13 March
Materials Due: 20 March
MISSION: The 2024 IADC Membership Directory is the definitive guide to the global drilling industry and your opportunity to connect with the key decision makers within the global wellsite industry. A whopping 91% of the IADC Membership Directory circulation goes to Company Officers/Owners (56%) and Management (23%).
READERSHIP: IADC is the only industry trade association with international scope among drilling contractors, oil companies and service firms alike. Accordingly, the 2024 IADC Membership Directory is an indispensable global reference of key operators, contractors, drilling rigs, suppliers and services.
The IADC Membership Directory puts your marketing message in the hands of 2,500 drilling and producing executives. If you do business with the worldwide rig fleet, the 2024 IADC Membership Directory is an outstanding advertising value. It is also an excellent way to highlight your company’s support for IADC’s initiatives in next-generation workforce development, government affairs, HSE, well control, technology and more.
Tabbed Section dividers boost ad visibility economically.
- Increase the visibility of your firm’s advertisement in the 2024 Directory by reserving a tabbed section divider. Each of the Directory’s major sections will be introduced by a tabbed, heavy-stock divider. Spots are limited.
- Right of first refusal applies to divider-page advertisers in the 2023 IADC Directory.
IADC Membership Directory Print Rates/Specs
Ad Sizes | Rate (Per issue, USD) |
2-Page Spread | 14,210 |
Back Cover | 9,355 |
Inside Front Cover | 9,195 |
Tabbed Divider Page | 9,045 |
Full Page | 8,085 |
1/2 Island | 5,135 |
1/2 Page Vertical or Horizontal | 5,080 |
1/4 Page | 3,005 |
PUBLICATION SPECS: Printed as web offset, 4-color sequence (CMYK) and perfect bound with a trim size of 8-1/8 x 10-7/8 inches (206 x 276 mm). Mechanical requirements, ad sizes and other publication specs are the same for Drilling Contractor and the IADC Membership Directory.
PREFERRED MATERIALS: Artwork can be supplied in high-resolution PDF, EPS, or 300dpi TIF. Please ensure colors are CMYK (PMS spot colors should be converted to process). All fonts should either be included or converted to outlines.
FILE TRANSFERS / SHIPPING / EMAIL INFO: Ad materials can be sent via Dropbox, WeTransfer, or third-party file-sharing service, via email (if file is less than 15mb) to drilling.contractor@iadc.org, or shipped to:
Drilling Contractor
3657 Briarpark Drive, Suite 200
Houston, TX 77042 USA
+1 713 292 1945
DRILLINGCONTRACTOR.ORG is the prime source of news for the drilling industry, as well as a companion to the print edition of Drilling Contractor. DrillingContractor.org reports via articles and videos on the latest news affecting and shaping the global drilling and completions industry.
DrillingContractor.org is set apart by its enhanced online editorial complementing DC’s print version. Examples of web exclusives include animations and videos related to articles published in DC, as well as additional graphics, editorial and case histories. Each article featuring enhanced editorial includes a footnote in the print edition directing readers to additional content on the website. DrillingContractor.org also maintains archives of past issues.
Yearly Web Stats (2022)
- Sessions: 202,088
- Users: 140,519
- Pageviews: 254,795
Yearly Ad Stats (2022)
- Ad Impressions: 1,253,777
- Ad Clicks: 766
- Ad CTR: 0.06%
* Premium demographic segments make up the bulk of DC’s loyal readers, who are directed to DrillingContractor.org and the DC Digital Reader through dedicated links and QR codes throughout the magazine. 66% are either employed by an oil-producing firm or a drilling contractor. Nearly half (47%) are corporate/executive management and rig management, and an additional 44% are either a drilling & completion engineer or in drilling & completion operations. See our full circulation breakdown on p5.
Monthly Stats (September 2023)
- Sessions: 16,528
- Users: 10,946
- Pageviews: 16,530
- Ad Impressions: 91,728
- Clicks: 74
- Clickthrough Rate: 0.08%
Approximate values for website metrics supplied by Google Analytics.
SOCIAL MEDIA: Our primary goals are to drive users back to our site and engage with our readers.
Facebook 30k+ Followers
LinkedIn 10k+ Followers
YouTube 2.99k+ Subscribers / 2.33 Million Video Views
Twitter 5k+ Followers
Available Sizes & Pricing (Monthly, USD)
Orientation | Homepage | Inside Pages |
Leaderboard (728×90) | 1,750 | 1,600 |
Half Page Sidebar (300×600) | 1,740 | 1,500 |
Masthead (468×60) | 1,700 | 1,450 |
Poster (300×250) | 1,700 | 1,450 |
Banner (468×60) | 1,450 | 1,260 |
Button (120×240) | 1,070 | 920 |
PREFERRED MATERIALS: Artwork can be supplied as JPG, PNG, or Animated GIF. For HTML5, Double-Click, and other third-party ad support, please contact the webmaster for more information.
Focused Microsites
DrillingContractor.org offers microsites focusing on specific areas of interest within the well-construction sector.
• Number of microsite-linked articles: 7,600+
• Average monthly impressions: 31,700
• Average monthly clickthrough rate: 0.10%
• No rotating ads on landing pages. Microsite sponsor ad is the only ad on the landing page
- Drilling Rigs & Automation: Automated drilling systems, data analytics, Big Data, condition-based maintenance, digital twins, cybersecurity, fuel efficiency and power management
- Innovating While Drilling®: MPD, downhole visualization, drill bits, directional drilling, rotary steerables, drill pipe, drilling fluids
- Onshore Advances: Extended-reach laterals, water management, land rig innovations, global onshore markets including the Permian Basin
- The Offshore Frontier: deepwater and subsea markets, offshore technologies and case studies, next-gen drilling rigs
- Completing the Well: hydraulic fracturing, cementing, sand and proppants, well intervention, coiled tubing
- IADC, Regulation, and Legislation: government and public advocacy for the industry, next-generation talent engagement, and updates from regulators like BSEE, EPA, OSHA, PSA, UK HSE
- Global & Regional Markets: new drilling rig contracts, discoveries and wells drilled, drilling program announcements, M&A’s
- Safety and ESG: ESG, human factors, well control, training advances, low-carbon solutions, simulators, dropped object prevention, water management
DC microsite advertisers dominate their respective microsite landing pages as the sole advertiser.
As an added bonus, microsite leaderboard adverts also appear on every article linked to any microsite. (Article adverts will rotate with two to seven other adverts.)
Example: Book the Onshore Advances microsite, and your ad appears on all landing pages for Onshore Advances as well as all articles linked to any of the seven other microsites.
Microsite Campaign Includes | Rate (Monthly, USD) |
• Leaderboard (728×90) • Half Page Sidebar (300×600) • Poster (300×250) |
3,800 |
* “Innovating While Drilling® (IWD)” is a trademark of the International Association of Drilling Contractors and Drilling Contractor.
Virtual Panel Discussions (VPDs)
DC virtual panel discussions are one of the greatest values available to drilling and completion marketers. These high-interest webcasts feature expert panelists discussing critical issues confronting the well-construction industry. Each of the pre-recorded VPDs will span 30 minutes to an hour. VPDs can be pre-recorded or presented as live events. They are then archived on DrillingContractor.org.
DC VPDs differ from typical webinars because they blend video, shot either in DC’s in-house studio or online via Zoom, with PowerPoint and additional videos or animations.
Each VPD is promoted multiple times through combinations of DC, eNews and dedicated promotions, reaching more than 50,000 drilling and completion professionals. All promotions for the VPD, whether print or electronic, will feature the sponsor logo. In addition, the sponsor will be thanked at the start and finish of the VPD and the sponsor logo displayed on the video. Sponsors will receive names and e-mails of all VPD registrants.
Our virtual panel discussions provide significant value, as the table below shows.
All DC virtual panel discussions must be deemed as value adding to readers and viewers. Excessive commerciality discourages viewers and diminishes credibility.
Included items (values in USD) | |
Drilling Contractor Magazine advertising (1 issue, 1/3 page color) | 4,930 |
Drilling Contractor eNews promotion (x1) | 3,160 |
IADC DrillBits eblast promotion (x1) | 3,160 |
Dedicated email promotion* (x1) | 3,100 |
Archiving of VPD on DrillingContractor.org | 15,180 |
Analytics post event | 1,900 |
Pre- and post-VPD emails** (x2) | 2,530 |
Database asset delivery | 2,530 |
Project Value | 36,490 |
Added Value Discount | -20,490 |
TOTAL PRICE | 16,000 |
*NOTE: Since IADC does not sell lists or offer third-party eblasts, this is the only mechanism for a single company to eblast to the IADC/DC readership.
**Pre-event reminder sent to registrants one day prior to VPD, and post-event reminders to registrants who have not yet viewed the VPD.
Sample VPD
IADC Lexicon
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to build your brand among the next generation of industry leaders and employees! The IADC Lexicon is a glossary of oilfield drilling terms that have been defined in legislation, regulations, standards and/or guidelines. Over the past year, the website has logged over 255,000 sessions. Impressively, data analytics show that the Lexicon topped out at over 333,000 pageviews from over 217,000 users (86% of those new sessions). The IADC Lexicon is a prime opportunity for marketers in the drilling industry.
WHAT DO ADVERTISERS GET? Advertise with a leaderboard on the homepage and a powerful leaderboard/poster ad combo site-wide on every inside page. Your ad will be featured on every definition page throughout the site–that’s over 10,600 terms. Ads will rotate with up to 4-6 other leaderboard or poster ads.
Yearly Web Stats (2022)
Yearly Ad Stats (2022)
Monthly Stats (September 2023)

Lexicon Campaign Includes | Rate (Monthly, USD) |
• Homepage Leaderboard (728×90) • Leaderboard & Poster (300×250) ads site-wide |
1,580 |
DrillBits web pages on IADC.org
There is an opportunity to advertise directly on the IADC website’s monthly newsletter web pages. Links from the email take our high-value drilling industry readers and decision makers to the IADC website, where marketers can promote their brand via highly visible banners. Each banner will appear on the landing page for all existing issues of DrillBits, as well as in each individual article post.
Orientation | Rate (Monthly, USD) |
Leaderboard (728×90) | 630 |
Poster (300×250) | 630 |

Marketing professionals can target the global drilling industry through selected pages on IADC.org, official site of the International Association of Drilling Contractors. IADC.org enjoys traffic of roughly 67,000 visitors per month with nearly 67,200 page views.
AVAILABILITY IS LIMITED: Contact our Global Sales Manager about opportunities on IADC.org.
* Advertising is not available on the IADC home page or the IADC events page, including individual events pages (www.iadc.org/events and linked pages).
Yearly Web Stats (2022)
- Sessions: 336,112
- Users: 218,214
- Pageviews: 784,792
Yearly Ad Stats (2022)
- Ad Impressions: 86,049
- Ad Clicks: 811
- Ad CTR: 0.94%
Monthly Stats (September 2023)
- Sessions: 67,074
- Users: 23,309
- Pageviews: 67,189
- Ad Impressions: 8,336
- Ad Clicks: 25
- Ad CTR: 0.30%
eNews from DrillingContractor.org
Original reporting from key industry events
eNews from DrillingContractor.org presents original news and features, as well as information from key industry players, updates on IADC activities, exclusive reports from IADC conferences, reader surveys and more.
Each edition of eNews links back to DrillingContractor.org.
Stats from the August 2023 edition
Available Sizes & Pricing (Monthly, USD)
Orientation | Top | Middle | Bottom |
Poster (300 x 250) | 5,060 | 4,800 | 4,050 |
Leaderboard (728 x 90) | 3,160 | 2,900 | 2,650 |
2024 eNews Coverage Schedule (16 editions)
MAY 15
MAY 29
IADC’s electronic newsletter
IADC’s DrillBits monthly newsletter is IADC’s vehicle for communicating pending legislation and regulation impacting the global drilling industry. DrillBits also provides critical updates on IADC advocacy efforts in Washington, DC, and around the world; accreditation and certification programs; IADC’s flagship ISP safety incident tracking results; and more.
DrillBits reaches 20,000+ high-value drilling industry readers. For available advertising positions, see graphic to the right.
Stats from the October 2023 edition
Available Sizes & Pricing (Monthly, USD)
Orientation | Top | Middle | Bottom |
Poster (300 x 250) | 5,060 | 4,800 | 4,050 |
Leaderboard (728 x 90) | 3,160 | 2,900 | 2,650 |
IADC Rig Reports
Have a message you want to take straight to the rig? Marketing your company’s products and services through IADC checklists and forms provides direct presence at the rig site and to rig-based operations personnel.
High-visibility advertising is available on the front and back covers and inside “flap” of these checklists and forms. “Flap” visibility is ensured by its function to separate pages so that notes will not bleed through to underlying pages. (See illustration on below.)
IADC will place your company’s advertisement in a press run for any of the indispensable rig forms and checklists listed on these two pages.
(Rates below are net USD)
IADC DAILY DRILLING REPORT: The IADC Daily Drilling Report is the primary data-collection form for the global drilling industry. Also called the “tour sheet,” the DDR captures information related to the rig crew for payroll, as well as equipment, wellbore, bit and BHA.
Up to two ad spots are available on the front flap. (See diagram.)
Full Page (8 x 11-1/8) on Front Flap | 5,690 |

IADC DRILLING RIG SAFETY INSPECTION CHECKLIST: This definitive checklist for rig safety inspection is indispensable at the rig site as a comprehensive guide to key hazards. Printed on carbonless paper to provide multiple records.
Adverts available on the back cover, and on both the front and reverse flap. The flap stands out due to its function in separating pages to avoid overwriting future pages.
Front Flap | Back Flap | Back Cover | |
Page Dominant (8 x 14) | CHECK FOR PRICING & AVAILABILITY | ||
Full Page (8 x 11-1/8) | 4,420 | 4,170 | 3,160 |
Fractional (8 x 4-7/8) | N/A | 1,650 | N/A |
IADC SAFETY MEETING TOPICS AND RECORDS: Safety meetings on the rig are more important than ever, and the IADC Safety Meeting Topics and Records are a rig crew’s guide to vital HSE topics.
Printed on carbonless paper for multiple copies.
Inside Front Cover |
Front Flap | Back Flap | Back Cover | |
Page Dominant (8 x 14) | CHECK FOR PRICING & AVAILABILITY | |||
Full Page (8 x 11-1/8) | 4,420 | 4,170 | 3,790 | 3,160 |
Fractional (8 x 4-7/8) | N/A | N/A | 1,890 | N/A |
IADC WEEKLY SAFETY MEETING REPORT: Crews can choose their own topics for discussion using this form, printed on carbonless paper for multiple copies.
Inside Front Cover |
Front Flap | Back Flap | Back Cover | |
Page Dominant (8 x 14) | CHECK FOR PRICING & AVAILABILITY | |||
Full Page (8 x 11-1/8) | 3,379 | 3,540 | 2,900 | 2,650 |
Fractional (8 x 4-7/8) | N/A | N/A | 1,640 | N/A |
IADC DAILY ENGINE REPORT: The IADC Daily Engine Report is an essential record of drilling engine temperature and pressures, includes space for measurements of additional mud pumps and multiple record sheets on carbonless paper.
Inside Front Cover |
Front Flap | Back Flap | Back Cover | |
Page Dominant (8 x 14) | CHECK FOR PRICING & AVAILABILITY | |||
Full Page (8 x 11-1/8) | 3,790 | 3,540 | 2,900 | 2,650 |
Fractional (8 x 4-7/8) | N/A | N/A | 1,640 | N/A |
IADC MUD PUMP INSPECTION CHECKLIST: Maintaining high fluid throughput is essential in many of today’s complex wells. This form is one that goes to the heart of today’s drilling challenges.
Front Flap | Back Flap | Back Cover | |
Page Dominant (8 x 14) | CHECK FOR PRICING & AVAILABILITY | ||
Full Page (8 x 11-1/8) | 2,530 | 1,260 | 2,150 |
Fractional (8 x 4-7/8) | N/A | 1,140 | N/A |
IADC NEAR-MISS REPORTS: Reducing near-misses is a major goal of several major international operators. There are two versions – one for Drilling, one for Well Servicing/Workover.
Front Flap | Back Flap | Back Cover | |
Page Dominant (8 x 14) | CHECK FOR PRICING & AVAILABILITY | ||
Full Page (8 x 11-1/8) | 2,530 | 1,260 | 2,150 |
Fractional (8 x 4-7/8) | N/A | 1,140 | N/A |
Sales Inquiries
Bill Krull, Global Sales Manager
Office: +1-713-292-1954
Mobile: +1-713-201-6155
IADC & Drilling Contractor Houston Headquarters
3657 Briarpark Drive, Suite 200
Houston, TX 77042
Phone: +1-713-292-1945 • Fax: +1-713-292-1946
Linda Hsieh
Editor & Publisher
Brian Parks
Creative Director
Stephen Whitfield
Senior Editor